Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Goodbye Writing 10, It's been fun

The type of writing that I found most challenging was the persuasive because I have a really hard time staying on track and not getting carried away. When I write a persuasive piece I often find myself forgetting which side I am on. The writing I found the easiest was the ones where we had to choose a picture and make up a story for it. I thought it was quit simple to make up a story of your own instead of having rules and a formation to follow.
My favorite story was Imprisoned Emotions, this story was one of the first that I wrote but it gives a very sad and deep feeling and I like it a lot. I had to follow certain steps however I found it simple and I enjoyable to write. The writing assignment I wish that I could do over would be my Christmas story, I thought I could have done a better job at it and made it more creative and funny.
During the course we definitely did a lot a peer assessments, I found them pretty helpful most of the time but sometimes the person didn't write anything I could improve on which was kind of useless. I like assessing other peoples work because it gives me a reason and a chance to read their stories and what they have to say. I like assessing the opinion ones the best because I get to hear what they have to say.
Throughout the writing semester I find that my weakness has been getting ideas on to paper, i still have the difficulty but it is definitely not as bad as it use to be. I have a better understanding of what I want to say and how I want to say it.
The three most enjoyable activities I did was the two movie reviews and the story about the kids adventures. I liked writing the movie reviews because I got to state my opinion and how I felt about the movie, good or bad. Also i liked going online and researching what others had to say about that movie also. I enjoyed the kids adventure story because it was just very interesting to write, making up stories on why the kid was there and stuff.
The three activities I didn't really enjoy writing would have to be the video reviews, time capsule and life as a mosquito. I didn't enjoy the video reviews because I never really knew how to do it and what questions to answer about the video, also I didn't know what I wanted to put in the time capsule which made it a little more difficult and longer to do. Life as a mosquito was a easy assignment but at the same time I have no idea what its like to be a mosquito so it was a littler challenging.
I really enjoyed writing class this year especially the times we got to make videos with groups and i really liked working on The Blackville Talon. I also like the fact that I don't have to write an exam on it next week.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jacob Black vs Edward Cullen

You’re caught in a love triangle between your werewolf best friend and you’re vampire boyfriend. Hard choice right? Actually it’s quite simple, you have two options. Live a long immortal life with a cold, heartless, gorgeous vampire while leaving all traces of your life and family behind, or live life to the fullest with your warm hearted loving tall, dark and handsome boyfriend who wants only the best for you while keeping your family close. Who would you choose, Jacob Black or Edward Cullen.

First and foremost I am going to state the obvious when I say Edward is not capable of love, he doesn't even have a heart. He is 108 years old and Bella is 17, is that even legal? He should seriously be hunted down and arrested for being depraved and perverted. If Edward actually loved Bella at all he wouldn’t be with her because all he is doing is putting her life in danger. Edwards family has seven vampires in total, bringing home a human that’s blood is stronger than any others is seriously not a good idea, instead of having to worry about making a good impression for mom Bella has to worry about whether or not she will end up being there dinner feast.

At the beginning of the second book from the Twilight Series “New Moon” Edward leaves Bella after Jasper, Edwards’s brother attacked Bella at her birthday party. Bella was miserable and did not leave the house for 3 months, she also screamed at night because of the nightmares she had of him. However the person who finally got her to leave her room was none other than the tall, dark, handsome and muscular best friend Jacob Black. Even though for the past year she had been ditching him because of Edward he still came back for her because he was truly in love with her. While Edward could just leave Bella alone to be miserable, Jacob could never do that. Being with Jacob made Bella feel whole again, like her broken heart was finally piecing itself back together. Jacob gives Bella freedom unlike Edward, Jacob only wants what’s best for Bella in this world and is willing to give her everything he can to make her happy.

In order to be with Edward, Bella is going to have to be willing to give up her life as a human to become one of them, a cold, heartless, pasty blood sucker because clearly she’s not going to become old and wrinkly while Edward remains in the body of a 17 year old. By asking her to do this, Edward is also asking her to leave her family and friend and never talk to them again for she will be changing her looks and will not be able to explain her all of a sudden red eyes. However is Bella chose Jacob she could stay in Forks and see her family everyday, she wouldn't have to hide her identity and she could still be just as happy.

Even though Edward doesn't allow Bella to be around her family often, it is for there own good he is just trying to protect them. Plus his sparkly self is quit dazzling and attractive. Edward is a vampire which is dangerous because he could suck Bella's blood however Jacob is a werewolf and could claw Bella's face off if he got mad enough.
Edward Cullen may sparkle, but he is overprotective, controlling, immortal, heartless and cold. He isn't capable of "love" and thinks he can just ditch Bella whenever he wants and lets not forgets he's a vampire. Clearly Bella would be better off with the werewolf, she would be way happier. Plus is just as good looking.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Drinking Age Should be Lowered {persuasive essay}

The title of my article is "Drinking Age Should Be Lowered." I found it on the link given from the Blackville Writing site. It was written by Harold G from Wyoming, Mississippi. The main paragraph as well as the title of the piece of writing contains the thesis. The main idea in this article is that the drinking age should be lowered.

The first paragraph did catch my attention because it started out by listing off the reason's why people use alcohol. It Also explains that if the drinking age was lowered the percentage of underage drinking would also be lowered. The article has six paragraphs, all six of them relating to the main idea of lowering the drinking age.This writer involves some information in the article, for example it mentions the percentage of high school seniors that have used alcohol, "87% of high school seniors have used alcohol. That means that a large quantity of teens under the age of seventeen to eighteen have used alcohol before."

The author of this article doesn't present the other side of the argument. He mentions that in other country's it is lower but he doesn't completely present the other side. I agree to a certain extent, he is from the United States where drinking age is 21 and he wants is to be lowered to 18 or 19. I however live in Canada where the drinking age already is 19, so in a way I agree that is should be lowered and all drinking ages no matter where you live should be the same. The writer could have presented the other side of the story to strengthen its points and also use more statistics.

The conclusion of this article is decently strong, it provides another reason on why it should be lowered but also offers that if they lower it and it doesn't work out to put the drinking age back up to 21 because changed are made all the time. I did not find any grammar or spelling errors and I enjoyed reading this article, I thought it was a well done persuasive piece.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hey you! who me?!

We chose this video "How to Be a Gangster" because it is similar to the How To video we are planning to do. I like this video because it gave us some examples on what to put in our video and how to do it. Also what I liked about the video was that it was extrememly funny and intersting to watch. Some things that I would do differently would be that I would use less vulgar words and also better quality with more creative camera angles. Things the videos have in common is that they all have a voice over, introduction and visual instructions.

Friday, May 14, 2010

LIfe As A Mosquito~

Life as a Mosquito is actually the best way to live its super fun and interesting, however it also has it down side. Just think about it, they never run short of food because there is plenty of people and animals in the world to suck blood from, also you get to fly around with your friend mosquitos and have a good time. However you also have the down side which consists of getting eaten by animals, getting hit by fly swatters and running into the windows of moving vehicles. Male mosquitoes typically feed on nectar and plant juices while female mosquitoes have to feed on blood in order to be able to lay eggs. Did you know that Mosquitoes lay eggs in the water? That’s why mosquitoes always come out after it rains. Overall life as a mosquito is pretty decent, as long as you stay away from car windows and maybe drank nectar more than blood. That way you don not have to risk getting killed by a person.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to Prove to Your Parents That You Are Responsible~

There comes a time in every teenagers life when hanging out watching a movie with mom and dad is no longer "cool", and they would way rather go out with friends and have a good time. However to do so you have to prove to your parents that you are a responsible teenager fully capable of going out by yourself. The following are ten easy steps that you can follow to prove to your parents that you are responsible.

Step 1- Talk to your parents about what you want, explain to them that you are older now and want to start going out on the weekends with your friends.

Step 2- Try doing chores around the house show them that you are not afraid to work for what you want

Step 3- Try doing extra credit work at school or better yet study hard and get good grades. If your doing well in school, your parents will let you take time off from studying on the weekends to have fun.

Step 4- Try avoiding childish like "um" or "duh" because it makes you sound immature. However don't try impressing them by using super sophisticated words either, they may think you are being a show off and that's not very responsible.

Step 5- Avoid things they don't like, stay away from the bad crowds at school, don't watch the television show she hates, finds trashy and doesn't approve of.

Step 6- Go out of your way to compliment them or do an extra chore. This will get them on your good side, especially if you plan on going out that night this is a way of getting them in a extremely good mood so you have a better chance of them saying yes.

Step 7-Prove you can take care of yourself. If your parents come home from work, exhausted, don't pester them to make dinner for you. Make it for them!

Step 8- Be sure to do your daily chores and don't be lazy.

Step 9- Be punctual. If your curfew is at 11, be home by 10:30, that way your parents will be so pleased they might even set your curfew back a few hours giving you more time for fun. If your school starts at 8, wake up at 6:30 instead of at 7:30, that way you won't be cranky and rushed and have to beg your parents for a ride.

Step 10- Let them know all of your plans in advance, don't tell them at the last minute and make them feel sorry for you. Be mature about it, if there's a big party you want to go to, ask a week in advance that way they have time to think about it. Also this is a plus because during that week you could due all of the steps I mentioned above and get on their good side.

Now that you have read all ten steps on how to prove to your parents that you are responsible I hope you succeed greatly and have a great teenage life.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Video Review.

The video I chose from CBC News is a video about a local girl Hilary Bonnell who went missing in September and body was found in December. The video is called "NB 1st- degree murder charge." I chose this video because I was aware of what happened to her and I wanted to know a little bit more about it and what they came to as a conclusion.

In this video there is two different people talking about the case, asking and answering each others questions. My area of the talon is News and Features, I could use this video as a guide for when I am doing Viewpoint and interveiwing different people on certain topics.