Monday, April 26, 2010

Video Review.

The video I chose from CBC News is a video about a local girl Hilary Bonnell who went missing in September and body was found in December. The video is called "NB 1st- degree murder charge." I chose this video because I was aware of what happened to her and I wanted to know a little bit more about it and what they came to as a conclusion.

In this video there is two different people talking about the case, asking and answering each others questions. My area of the talon is News and Features, I could use this video as a guide for when I am doing Viewpoint and interveiwing different people on certain topics.

Friday, April 23, 2010

**Finding Forrester Movie Review **

Finding Forrester, starring Rob Brown and Sean Connery is a movie written by Mike Rich and directed by Gus Van Sant. This Columbia Pictures film opened in December of 2000 in 200 theaters around the world, it marketed a worldwide total of $80,049,764.

Finding Forrester is a movie about a black American teenager by the name of Jamal Wallace who is a very talented writer and basketball player. He is invited to attend a private school and happens to befriend a famous writer William Forrester after breaking into his house as a challenge from one of his friends. Jamal and William begin to grow a strong bond as William helps Jamal with his writing skills, however after Jamal passes in one of his papers her wrote with William disaster strikes.

Some films that you may be familiar with also directed by Guss Van Sant include Milk staring Sean Penn and Josh Brolin, Elephant staring Alex Frost, Good Will Hunting written by Ben Afflect and starring Matt Damon and Robin Williams and Last Days a fictionalized account of the last days of Nirvana front man Kurt Cobain.

The acting in this film was very well played, I thought everything from the clothes they wore to the way they pronounced their words was fantastic and realistic.

The theme of the film is family as far as I am concerned, I think what Guss Van Sant is trying to get across is that just because someone isn't blood it doesn't mean they aren't family. Family can be anyone that is close to your heart, as long as they mean a lot to you and you care about them they are considered family.

The ending to this movie is shocking and will leave you speechless. I suggest that you see this movie right away, if you've already seen it then see it again because I feel that this movie has a very valuable lesson to be learned. This movie not only expresses equality between races but it also encourages you to not give up on your dreams.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bonus- Hospital Tour

Yesterday myself and my class took a tour of our local hospital. As sad as it is for me to say my favorite part of the tour was the Morgue. I know what you're thinking, gross right? How could anyone enjoy a morgue. I personally think it is fascinating, not the part about cutting dead bodies open but the fact that it's all a mystery. You get to solve the mystery of how that person died like in CSI or some other hospital like show. However I'm not sure I could actually take up a career in it considering you would see some pretty awful sights, plus it would be heartbreaking to have to call up the family and tell them the end results.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life is hard. Life is short. Life is painful. Life is rich. Life is....Precious.

At first I wasn't sure if I really wanted to see this movie,I didn't want to sit in a theatre and cry for 2 hours straight over this girls life. I'm fifteen, Precious is sixteen, it's scary to think that while I'm here enjoying life there are girls out there suffering from things like this. Rolling Stones magazine gave a review on the movie Precious. A movie about a fat sixteen year old girl that gets impregnated by her father twice and is abused by her mother. I picked the review by Rolling Stones magazine on Precious because I feel that it gives the exact amount of information you need to have the want to get up off your but and go see the movie.
It doesn't give out too much information but at the same time doesn't give out to little, it mentions the important parts interesting parts.
My favorite genre of films are Thrillers, if I had to do a review on any thriller film it would be The Perfect Getaway.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Activities from (Bonus)

People you really hate
Hate is a sstrong word, but there are some people that I just dislike everything about. I can't even stand to be in the same room as some of them. All my friends don't understand why I don't like them, and it's not like I can explain it really, sometimes there's no reason behind it at all. Most people only see one side of a person, well usually I get to see the opposite side as everyone else does, most people may see this person as loving, caring and really sweet. While I may see this person as someone who only talks bad about me behind my back. I'm not a hater, I've only disliked a few people my whole life, I try to keep it positive.

Forgiving People
I'm extremely stubborn, I don't forgive very easily. Sometimes it will take months, all depending on what the person has done. But even if i do forgive i never forget, every time i see or talk to that person that memory always floats back to me whether i want it to or not. I try to forgive as easily as possible but sometimes it's just hard, I forgive easily over some things, like if someone stepped on my finger, i don't hold a grudge. However is my best friends go behind my back, or if a boy really hurts me it takes a longer time.

Song lyrics stuck in your head
I can see you falling away no longer the lost no longer the same and i can see you starting to break I'll keep you alive if you show me the way forever and ever the scars will remain I'm falling apart leave me here forever in the dark daylight dies blackout the sky does anyone care is anybody there?

Hurtful Love
What is love exactly anyways? I don't why people are so obsessed with it? I don't know why you would want to spend so many years of your life with someone knowing that someday they are going to leave. Whether they die of old age, a accident or you get a divorcve, its a lose lose siuation. Maybe they will even cheat on you, why would you put yourself through that? Why is everyone so afraid of not having anyone? Why not just enjoy life, travel the world and see things, instead of wasting away time "loving" someone. It doesn't make since to me, maybe I'm just bitter because of things that I've been through.

Welcome to the North Pole~

It was Christmas Eve in Renous, New Brunswick. Payson and Addison were tucked tight into bed dreaming sweat dreams and counting sheep. However Braison was more curios than the others, and wanted to see Santa in action. While the rest of his family slept the night away Braison waiting behind the Christmas tree awaiting the thump of the fireplace.
Suddenly Braison heard a loud crash along with a big thump, ashes and smoke filled the air revealing a big red blob. Could it be? Was Braison actually seeing Santa with his own eyes? he stayed quite, not wanting Santa to know he was there. It was until the dust got in his nose that Braison let out a rippling sneezing noise revealing his presence. "Why hello there young man" Santa said joyfully. Braison was speechless, so Santa broke the silence once again " What is such a fine young man like you up so late? You don't wan mt coal do you? " Santa said with a slight grin. When the boy stayed silent once again, Santa emptied his bag of presents and started back to the fireplace, but as the boy finally spoke Santa stoped in his tracks. " Can I come with you Santa?" the boy asked shyly.
Braison grabbed his coat quickly and made his way to the sleigh and rain deer awaiting him on the roof of his home. "On Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen and Comet and Cupid and Doner and Blitzen and the most famous rain deer of all Rudolph!" and with that they took off into the dark start filled sky.
Braison stayed up with Santa all night, delivering gifts to other little girls and boys. Santa even let Braison feed some of the carrotts to the reindeer and help drink all the milk and eat all the cookies the children left out. But as the sun was at its peak, Braison new his fun with Santa was over, Santa dropped him off at his house and they said there goodbyes. But as Braison was almost to the cimney to return to his home, Santa called out anbd asked him the question every child dreams to be asked.
A week later Santa returned to pick up Braison and his family to go live with him in the North Pole. It was a dream come true for Braison and his two sisters, as well as his parents. They would get to help out all the elves make toys, and Payson and Addison even got offered the chance to ride with Santa next Christmas.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

These things will change, can you feel it now ? **

I think that the novel " To Kill a Mocking Bird" has greatly influenced change in society. Back in the 40, 50s and 60s racism as well as sexism was a big issue, children were brought up thinking that people of a different color were bad people. Discrimination is mostly against black people in this novel, they were used only as slaves, because we were to lazy to do our housework and cooking ourselves. I'm not saying that there is no discrimination against sex, race and class today, however it is defiantly not even close to how bad it was back then.

In the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird there is a really strong sense of racism in Maycomb County. All people of a different race is looked down on, and only considered to be slaves instead of normal human beings. Racism was displayed through the case of Tom Robinson. when the town finds out that Atticus is going to stand for a black man, they start bad talking him and calling him bad names. Also kids started to bully the children of Atticus. Tom Robinson was found guilty, however only because the jury thought that a white mans word is better than a blacks.

I personally think a lot of things have changed since the time of To Kill a Mocking Bird, for one black people can now actually walk the streets without getting hated on in most country's. I think the novel probably inspired a lot of people who read it, it's the kind of novel that makes you question your ways. Why should someone be treated differently based on color?

Not only has society changed about racism but also sexism and people are not judged based on class as much anymore either. Obviously there is still problems with discrimination in the world today, I'm not saying that there's not, but there has defiantly been a big change. The president of America is even black, which is quit the accomplishment in society I must say. As people in the world grow they begin to take bigger steps in stoping discrimination. Just think, 40 years ago, black people were treated like animals being used only for work, now they have actually jobs and can go to school and university and live normally.