People you really hate
Hate is a sstrong word, but there are some people that I just dislike everything about. I can't even stand to be in the same room as some of them. All my friends don't understand why I don't like them, and it's not like I can explain it really, sometimes there's no reason behind it at all. Most people only see one side of a person, well usually I get to see the opposite side as everyone else does, most people may see this person as loving, caring and really sweet. While I may see this person as someone who only talks bad about me behind my back. I'm not a hater, I've only disliked a few people my whole life, I try to keep it positive.
I'm extremely stubborn, I don't forgive very easily. Sometimes it will take months, all depending on what the person has done. But even if i do forgive i never forget, every time i see or talk to that person that memory always floats back to me whether i want it to or not. I try to forgive as easily as possible but sometimes it's just hard, I forgive easily over some things, like if someone stepped on my finger, i don't hold a grudge. However is my best friends go behind my back, or if a boy really hurts me it takes a longer time.
I can see you falling away no longer the lost no longer the same and i can see you starting to break I'll keep you alive if you show me the way forever and ever the scars will remain I'm falling apart leave me here forever in the dark daylight dies blackout the sky does anyone care is anybody there?
Hurtful Love

What is love exactly anyways? I don't why people are so obsessed with it? I don't know why you would want to spend so many years of your life with someone knowing that someday they are going to leave. Whether they die of old age, a accident or you get a divorcve, its a lose lose siuation. Maybe they will even cheat on you, why would you put yourself through that? Why is everyone so afraid of not having anyone? Why not just enjoy life, travel the world and see things, instead of wasting away time "loving" someone. It doesn't make since to me, maybe I'm just bitter because of things that I've been through.
very good writing in the country :) ! like the one about lovee :D ! hehe
hey youuu , I like your writing :) It is very "you" like I can just hear you in my head as I read your entries xo - Mel
dawww girl you write so good :) haha it really sounds like you ! xoxoxo <3
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