Thursday, February 25, 2010

Five Best TV Shows

People watch TV shows because they are interesting and full of drama, they keep you watching by cliffhangers. If the TV show you are watching is interesting enough it will have you excited for it all week, it can even be the reason you get up in the morning. Some people will watch a show just because a certain person is in it, but I think its pointless to watch a show you are not interested in just to see that certain pretty face. I'm about to tell you the five BEST TV shows on TV right now, the kind of shows that will make your eyes pop out of your sockets.

5. 90210
90210 is a teen drama currently on it's second season, the main characters consist of, Annie Wilson and her adopted brother Dixon Wilson, Erin Silver, Naomi Clark, Liam Court, Navid Shirazi and Adrianna Tate- Duncan. 90210 is only in it second season on The CW and there has already been, deaths, hit and runs, breakups, makeups, cheaters, betrayal and pregnancy's.

4. Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy is a medical drama television series. It follows the lives of medical interns, residents in Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital. It is currently in it's sixth season and has been a hit ever since the pilot. It gains the number four spot for it's dynamic characters who change and grow on you. Or it could just be because of the gorgeous Patrick Dempsey and Eric Dane. Who are appropriately nicknamed Dr.Dreamy and Dr.McSteamy.

3. The Vampire Diaries
The Vampire Diaries is a super natural horror television developed by Kevin Williamson based on the book series by the same name. It follows the life of Elena Gilbert who falls in love with the vampire brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore. The Vampire Diaries premiered on September 10 2009, and is currently in the middle of it's first season. It is full of action, suspicion, drama and love.

2. Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is a drama television series focusing on the lives of young adults and teenagers, as they struggle with the everyday battles of life. It is based on the book series of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegaser. It premiered fall of 2007, and is currently on its third season. It was renewed for a fourth, fifth and sixth season. It is expected to end May 20, 2013.

1. One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill is the number one show because it is my personal favorite. I've been watching it ever since season one. One Tree Hill is a teen, young adult television series which premiered in 2003. It takes place in the fictional town Tree Hill, North Carolina and follows the lives of two half brothers Lucas and Nathan Scott. Their relationship evolves from heartless enemies to loving brothers. The first four seasons follow their years in High School, the beginning of the fifth season was 4 years later. It is currently on its Seventh season and is in the talks of being renewed for a eighth season.

Grammer Exercise 1

1- The team won (its) game. Did you win yours, too?

2- They left their books there.

3- I hear you're about to graduate.

4- It's nice that they're friendly.

5- Although I get a lot of colds, I feel alright)now.

6- Who's prettier than you?

7- Are you tired? I'm out of breathe, too.

8- Run back and forth from here to there.

9- You're about to lose your book.

10- Everyone will accept the prize except you.

11- Do you know whether or not he will giveme the prize.

12- Many people choose to live in large cities.

13- Is the doctor through with my exam?

14- What effect does the school principal have on you?

15- What did he advise you to do? Did you take his advice?

16- There are alot of your friends in the boat.

17- I will buy a book by Ray Bradbury.

Grammer Exercise 2
Score: (67%)

Grammer Exercise 3
Correct - 39
Incorrect- 1
Total - 40

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Love Triangle

The story that I am pitching a character for is The Vampire Diaries. The Vampire Diaries is currently on a break until March 11, however it is usually shown ever Thursday night at 9 pm. I think they should add a new vampire to the cast to cause more drama and keep people watching.

The characters name would be Charlie Rose, she would be a good vampire that turns bad eventually. She would be very athletic and outgoing. With black hair, flawless skin and chocolate brown eyes, she would have every teenage boy in the world watching. She would start off befriending Elena in school, then eventually growing closer and closer to Elena's boyfriend Stefan causing a love triangle. She would attempt to kill Elena causing conflict between herself and Stefan, she would then rebel.

I think an actor that would suit this character well would be Demi Lovato. I think she would suit this character well because, she fits the physical description exactly.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Imprisoned Emotions~

I sit by the window watching the rain hit the glass with a sort of "pluck" sound. It's been a year, yet I still haven't forgotten. I still hear your laugh when I watch reruns of Friends, I sleep with your picture beside me hoping it will bring sweet dreams, though it never does. I dream about the life we could of had together, and I sometimes wonder if there was anything I could of done to save you, to save us.

It's coming on the beginning of April now , and the sweet spring breeze is all I feel walking through the city park, alone. I finally pursued my dream of being a photographer, every other day I am at the park taking family photos, or wedding photos, sometimes even dog portraits. All I can think of when I see the new happy couple smile, is the night you proposed to me, at the beach downtown two summers ago. It was cold and wet and the ring didn't quite fit my slim finger, but it was still perfect, because I knew I could be with you forever.

Some days I feel like I should just give up, I don't get out much anymore. My friends know better than to call, they know I will not answer. I just lay in my bed wondering what your up to up there in the sky, if maybe someday we will meet again, or if that cold spring fight was the last time I would ever hear your voice. When i do leave the house it's usually just to the city park, it's peaceful there, it almost sooths my torn heart from agony. I know that I should at least try to find another, but I don't think I will ever have feelings for someone as strong as my feelings were for you. The night we met, when I looked into your chocolate brown eyes, nothing else mattered.

My job is to capture the happy moments of others, they always ask the same questions, " Do you have a family?" " Are you married?" even the most common "How are you?" makes me quiver. It's true what they say, you don't know what you got till it's gone, I am an example of that. Every second of everyday I regret the hatred in my voice that night you sped off into the moonlight. I regret running away from our problems instead of trying to sort them out, or freezing when Isaw your beaten and broken body law on the ground from the accident.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Interviewing Strategies

One strategy that is really important about interviewing, is to always prepare your questions beforehand, that way you won't waste time and you will sound more professional. It is also very important to be flexible with your time, make sure that if the person calls you back, you are there to answer and not play "phone tag". Make sure everything is spelled right, ask the person for the correct spelling of their name or other details, that way when you are publishing the interview you won't have any trouble with typos. It's also very important that if you are quoting the person, that the quote is exactly right. If the person wishes to stay anonymous then respect their decision and keep them unnamed. Last but not least, always thank the person for their time spent talking with you and be polite.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pot Hidden In Jesus Pictures

The sample I have selected is about a drug bust along the U.S - Mexico border . The women responsible tried to smuggle 30 pounds of pot across the border in pictures of Jesus. I feel it is effective because it is very informative. What I like about the article is that it has more than one person's perspective on the case. After reading this article, I think it will help me with my own writing because I now know that if the title of my story is interesting and eye catching, more people will read it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Writing Inventory

Sometimes in my spare time, I will come up with crazy ideas and decide to write a story about it, sometimes they would be long, other times maybe just a few paragraphs, however it's still getting my ideas on to paper. I like to read novels about love and life lessons. One of my favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks, Scott Westerfeld and Stephanie Meyer.

The kind of writing i enjoy writing is descriptive storeys that have meaning, the ones about life situations. Writing that i find challenging is persuasive, because I am not very good at persuading people. When i was about twelve I wrote a 6 page story about a girl in a Coma , I was very proud of it. I usually do about two or three draft copies of a story before i write the final copy, just to make sure there are no mistakes and that it all makes sense.

My weakness as a writer, is getting the ideas on to paper. Sometimes I find it hard to get it down exactly the way I see it in my head. I write about all kinds of things, but my favorite ones to write are the ones about life itself. My goals for this semester is to improve in idea making, and write a really good story.

Talon Letter Of Application

February 10, 2010

Mr. Allan Carter
Blackville School, NB


Dear Mr.Carter

I am interested in applying for the position of Sports in The Blackville Talon.

Through out my Middle and High School years I have participated in many organized sports, including volleyball, basketball and soccer. Also outside of school I play hockey. I have a strong interest for sports and I think that this position would suit me well.

I would very much enjoy being a part of The Blackville Talon and I am available at any time. If anything, my years in school have taught me responablitly, and you can rely on me. I look forward to hearing from you.


Carly Hallihan
Renous, NB

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Strength To Leave

William laid on his bedroom floor playing with his toys, trying to drown out all of the noise. His parents seemed to be fighting a lot lately. He was ten now, old enough to understand what was going on. He would sometimes hear lamps being thrown at the wall out of frustration, and the smack of his father’s hand hitting his mothers face.
They would fight over the usual, not having enough money, the bills not being paid, and if his mother accidently burnt his father’s steak he would rage like a mad man. William figured this was all caused from his father drug addiction, which has recently become worse since he found out his sixteen year old daughter was pregnant and ran away from home.
He sometimes heard his mother crying herself to sleep, and he would go cuddle up with her and tell her everything was going to be alright. He knew it was a lie, but he didn’t know what else to say. He loved his mother more than anyone or anything in the entire world and it saddened him to see her this way. She was wounded, her eyes puffy and red like cherries from crying, bruises all over her body the size of tennis balls. William wondered when his mother would finally get the strength to pack up and leave.
He remembered when they use to be a happy family, when he could look at his parents and see the love in their eyes when they looked at each other. He remembered their summer vacation to Florida, when his legs would get tired while standing watching the Disney fireworks, his father would lift him up onto his shoulders. He wondered if they would ever do such a thing again, or if the memories he had of them as a family now were the only ones he would ever have.
William matured quickly for his age, he learned to stand up for his mother when she was in to much pain to do it for herself. However he still had the times that all he wanted to do was break down and cry. The whole situation hurt him emotionaly just as much as it hurt his mother physically. He sometimes thought about running away, but he didn’t have the heart to leave his mother behind.
Three months of screaming later, when his father was away in Cuba on a business trip, his mother finally got the courage and strength to pack her and William’s things and leave. They left the house with pride, leaving all the memories behind to haunt William’s father. They had a bright future ahead of them, and nothing was going to slow them down this time.