Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Writing Inventory

Sometimes in my spare time, I will come up with crazy ideas and decide to write a story about it, sometimes they would be long, other times maybe just a few paragraphs, however it's still getting my ideas on to paper. I like to read novels about love and life lessons. One of my favorite authors is Nicholas Sparks, Scott Westerfeld and Stephanie Meyer.

The kind of writing i enjoy writing is descriptive storeys that have meaning, the ones about life situations. Writing that i find challenging is persuasive, because I am not very good at persuading people. When i was about twelve I wrote a 6 page story about a girl in a Coma , I was very proud of it. I usually do about two or three draft copies of a story before i write the final copy, just to make sure there are no mistakes and that it all makes sense.

My weakness as a writer, is getting the ideas on to paper. Sometimes I find it hard to get it down exactly the way I see it in my head. I write about all kinds of things, but my favorite ones to write are the ones about life itself. My goals for this semester is to improve in idea making, and write a really good story.


Allan Carter said...

I think you summed up a lot about the writing process, Carly, when you said getting it down on paper. It all starts with making the ideas "something" and the hard thing is getting it from the head to the page (or screen). While I think it is important to come up with new and fresh ideas, you may want to revisit that story who are so proud of and see if you can do something "new' with it. Might be an interesting exercise.