Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I now have my weapons categorized from A to Z: from "Axe" to... "Zee other axe."

The Trade Off

If I could trade off places with anyone from a fiction literature of film I would pick Buffy Summers from "Buffy The Vampire Slayer." I would pick Buffy Summers because she gets to save the world form being brutally massacred, she's a really great person and has a great group of friends that support everything she does.

Buffy Summers works hard day and night to keep the world safe from vampires, demons and the forces of darkness. She has some wicked fighting skills, she trains with Giles her watcher. Giles is basically Buffy's father figure, he supports everything she does and he always has her back. Buffy has killed more vampires and demons than I can count, sometimes she uses weapons like wooden stakes and spears however sometimes she uses just her bare hands.

Buffy is super pretty and funny. Through out every season you get to see more of Buffy's sense of humour.
Angel: This isn't some fairy tale. When I kiss you, you don't wake up from a deep sleep and live happily ever after.

Buffy: No. When you kiss me, I wanna die.

Buffy has 6 friends that she has a really strong connection with. Her sister Dawn Summer, her ex-demon friend Anya, Zander Harris, her watcher Giles, Spike her vampire/lover and witch friend Willow Rosenburg. Her friends are always there for backup when she has to many demons to take on at once.

From the killer punches to the stakes to the heart, Buffy is an amazing Vampire Slayer. Her friends are awesome and super supportive and she has a great sense of humour. I think it would be awesome to trade lives with her, mostly because I want to know how it feels to be a vampire slayer.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Who I am in 8 lines
tragic, athletic, brunette and creative
daughter of Kim
who loves music, summer and photography
who is afraid of drowning, the future and being alone forever
who wants to go to university, travel the world and live far away
a resident of Renous.. <3

smack, smack
crunch, crunch
ruffle, ruffle
dip, dip

Birthday Card
I hope your day is full of cheer
to your age we add another year
sit back relax and have fun
happy birthday wishes from everyone !

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Moody Twilight Range in the Winter with Ursula ~ (5 out of 10)

*It is Twilight time

I am actually a big Twilight fan, I have read all the books in the series more than once, I watched and own both movies that are out so far. Most girls drool over Edward the sparkly vampire, but I'd take Jacob over sparkles any day. Jacob and Bella have more chemistry than Edward and Bella do, I find that Bella can be more of herself around Jacob. Edward just brings drama, and almost gets her killed several times, and Jacob is the one that's there for her when Edward takes off and leaves her with a broken heart.

What is your mood today?

My mood today is kind of indifferent because, first of all I thought school was going to be cancelled today since it snowed and freezing rained last night. I figured they would give us one last snow day since we didn't have many this year at all. Also I have a throat infection and was out of school for 2 days, so this is first day back which means I have some catching up to do. But on the bright side I got to see my friends.

The perfect mode of transportation. If you could have any car what kind of car would it be and explain why.

If I could have any car, it would defiantly be a Range Rover. My Range Rover would be black, with chrome rims for the summer and black rims for the fall and winter. It would also have chrome door handles and all the windows would be tinted super dark.

*Winter - love it or hate it?

I sort of have mixed feelings about winter. When it first starts to snow around Christmas time I'm always really excited. All through January I do the normal winter activities like slide, snowmobile and play hockey. But the end of winter is always a drag, when all the hockey games are over and the snow isn't as fun anymore around March I just want it to be over. For instance right now, I hate it because in a week it will be the beginning of April and spring already started yet its STILL snowing.

*Super hero

If I could be a super hero or villain I would be Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Ursula is a octopus that dead set on Triton the Mer-King. Ursula is a evil manipulative "sea witch." I think it would be cool to be Ursula because she has 8 legs, and it would be so simple to multitask with 8 legs ! Also I'd get to meet Ariel the little mermaid, even though I want to kill her. Ursula is so precious with her Eal sidekicks.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dear Diary ! :D

Dear Diary

Today was the most excitingest day of my life! It was like a Fairytale, I got to go to a BUNCH of cool places in my neighborhood. My momma packed me a lunchbox, full of all kind of awesome stuff, like scooby doo snacks, bear paw cookies and a fruit punch ! I thought it was going to be to long to walk, so I decided to take my brand new Dirt bike. Well actually its a normal bike, that just looks like a dirt bike, since my mommy says I'm not old enough to get a real one yet.

First I got to play hide and go seek with the raccoons in my front yard ! It was so awesome, I even won! The raccoon's always hid in the garbage can, so I found them every time. Except it smelt like my little brothers poopy diapers. I started to get hungry so I hauled out my Bear paw cookies, the raccoons starting going crazy! I jumped on my bike really quick and started peddling. That's when I realized the moving truck, so I made my way across the street to introduce myself.. When I got there, the mom told me to go around back and meet Cody. I was expecting to see a little boy, but when I got around there was only a little girl. She was so cute, she had cute little blonde curls and was wearing the prettiest dress, it was love at first sight. I asked her to come play in the tent with me and she said she would because her mom said that she needed to make new friends around here. Cody didn't have a bike yet tho, so I left my bike there and we walked. Weplayed in the tent for a while, but then we got bored and decided to go to the dog house and play with Sammy.When we got to the dog house, Sammy ( that's the dog's name) was no where to be found ! All of a sudden I heard Cody roaring at me to "DUCK, DUCK JOHNNY DUCK!" but when I looked around, I didn't even see any ducks ! That's when Sammy jumped off the roof of the dog house and onto my head, I started twirling around trying to get him off, but he was stuck. Sammy's not a big dog, but it's for sure a fat dog, but finally Cody got it off my face and we started to run. Unfortunately Sammy followed, he was running so fast the only way i could see out was jumping the fence, so we did it. I gotta say I kinda nervous, I never jumped a fence before and I didn't think I was tall enough to make it. Lucky for us, me and Cody both landed in the baby play pin, we almost squished my little brother though, he started crying real hard. My dad couldn't even stop him cause he was too busy mowing the grass. That's when i realized that my favorite smell in the whole world is freshly cut grass, it makes my nose tingle. It started getting late, and the big yellow circle in the sky was going away so I thought I would be a nice boy and walk Cody home, plus I needed to get my bike. We were almost there, when Cody went over on her ankle and couldn't walk anymore, so I saw a wheelbarrow and thought i would push her in that. It was a little dirty, and smelled like rotten eggs, but she couldn't walk, and I wasn't strong enough to carry her so she had to use it. Finally I told Cody goodnight, and biked home. It was such a fun day, and i can't wait to see what adventures me and Cody will have tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day !

Bye for now!

Johnny :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mario Hell

When you picture hell, its usually all flames and redness with a devil that has a fork tail and pointy horns, well that's not how I see it. I'm sure you have all at one point played Mario right? It was a big hit during our childhood and still is. Well when I picture my hell, it's more like Bowser's castle. In heaven you need a key, well I think in hell you should to, so that's why you have to get across a lava obstacle course. If you fall, you start over, since of coarse you can't die twice. Like in the game, when you get across the lava, big spikes, swinging objects and unstable bridges, you receive your key to the dark gloomy mansion.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Time Capsule

If my community was to decide to store a time capsule, the first item I would put in it would be, something that reflects on the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Perhaps maybe a pair of mittens or a DVD of the events. I think this is important because the Olympics were a really big event for Canada this year and its something that should be remembered for years upon years. The second item I would place in the time capsule would be a burnt CD, that way the people in the future could hear the kind of music people listened to in 2010. I would also put pictures of the community, so people could see the changes that happened threw the years. I would also put in a album of pictures I took myself because I love taking pictures. Also last but not least I would put in my 3 favorite books " The Last Song" & "Dear John" by Nicholas Sparks and also "Eclipse" by Stephanie Meyer, the third book of the Twilight series.

Dear 2110

My name is Carly, I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I listen to a lot of music, and my favorite thing to do is play sports, my family consists of only four people. It is currently March 14, 2010. If you are reading this is obviously way in the future, so I thought I would tell you about some things that are happening around here recently.

Lately there has been a lot of earthquakes, none nearby really but they are defiantly effecting the people around here and everywhere in the world. Also we just hosted the 2010 Winter Olympics here in Canada. I'm proud to say it was a huge hit, and Canada came out of it with the most gold medals, we won gold medals for both men and women's hockey!

I hope you enjoyed the things I left in this time capsule, and learned more about the year 2010. Thanks for reading my letter :)

Carly ~